The Russian Government on the Internet:Selected Annotated Bibliography of Linksby Anastasia Mayberry |
With the spread and popularity of the Internet a lot of valuable information from the government of the Russian Federation became available on the World Wide Web. However, the Russian government web pages are often poorly organized, luck sufficient indexing and can not be searched. In addition, most of the information is not translated into English, which makes it hard for English-speaking researchers to access it. The purpose of this annotated bibliography is to increase use of the valuable Russian government resources on the World Wide Web by creating an annotated bibliography of links to the available government-related web sites. All of the links presented below were collected by searching various Internet resources, including search engines (Yachoo, Altavista, Rambler, Au) and Internet subject guides (such as Eric Herron's Guide to Euarasia and the Baltics on the Web Then the author, a native Russian speaker, translated and annotated the links (only the Ministries and Agencies site is not yet annotated). In comparison with Eric Herron's web site, a site which covers all Newly Independent States, the author includes and annotates only links to federal governmental sites of the Russian Federation. This allows the author to annotate these links more fully. The author expresses special thanks to David Mayberry, who helped with translation and editing of this project.
Most of the links presented below can be found through the official site of the Russian Federation, which is called Official Russia (
Most of the documents are in Russian. However, English translation for some documents is available (look for the sign).
Included are links to the following sites: